Why Filtration?

iStock_000009015492SmallIn a perfect world water filtration would not be necessary.

The price we pay for scientific progress (in the way it is presently undertaken) is that almost every body of fresh water on earth contains toxic manmade chemicals and now even trace amounts of pharmaceutical drugs. Even rain is often contaminated with atmospheric pollutants.

For many of these chemicals, the EPA has set standards for the maximum allowable parts per million and billion in tap water. One pressing problem is that only 91 of the over 315 toxic chemicals often found in tap water are regulated. In addition extremely poisonous chemicals such as chlorine, as a disinfectant,  mono chloramine, aluminum sulphate, fluorosilicic acid (fluoride)  and other chemicals are added to municipal water supplies. Chlorine disinfectant byproducts, ( CDB’s ) such as Trihalomethanes and Haoeoacedic Acids, which form as a result of water chlorination are many times more toxic than chlorine itself. These chemicals are known Group B Carcinogens.

Transdermal absorption and inhalation of chemical vapors during a hot shower.

The following is not meant to instill fear and is well known as a simple web search will verify. The minute you get into a hot shower, your pores open and you literally become a sponge. Your body can actually absorb up to 8 glasses of water during a 20 minute hot shower. If your water is chlorinated, chlorine and other toxic chemicals are absorbed directly into your bloodstream. Between skin absorption and breathing of vapors, your shower just gave you the equivalent of drinking 2 gallons of chlorinated water! Chlorine, as well as its many, even more toxic byproducts, are, free radicals at the off the charts level. Chloroform gas is detectable in every home using chlorinated municipal water. It is well known that drinking chlorinated water is actually far less harmful than showering in it. A 1 minute cold shower is just not an option for most of us, especially in the winter! Whole house purification removes these dangerous chemicals to undetectable levels and many TPW clients report improved skin, softness of hair as well as an overall felling of well being. Prevention is the key idea here as the evidence builds for just how dangerous most tap water can be.

The Government is not a good enough watchdog.

The U.S. Government has not set a single new safe tap water standard since 2001 while we live in an era where more and more chemicals are created every year. We would do well to ask ourselves why we rank so poorly in overall health compared to many other countries coming in at a dismal 40th. In short, we have to be our own watchdogs. A good filtration system will help to minimize the negative impact of toxins on our health and well being. As we educate ourselves to the potential hazards of what is known to be in our tap water, we can make the sensible decisions to protect ourselves, our loved ones and the environment at the same time.

Bottled water compared to purified / filtered water.

Drinking bottled water is polluting. Each year Americans dispose of enough plastic water bottles to circle the earth 5 times. Almost 80% of this plastic waste ends up in landfills regardless of organized recycling efforts. According to a Forbes article, we throw away a million plastic bottles a minute globally.We must also consider the massive amount of oil it takes to make these bottles and then transport the packaged water by diesel truck and is many cases, ships at sea. Diesel exhaust from trucks is unregulated by the E.P.A. and transporting water in this way is a wasteful and polluting activity. Bottled water can cost as much as 2000 times the price of tap water. It can be compared to paying $10,000.00 for a sandwich!

Ironically, some of the major brands like Dasani and Aquafina are filtered tap water processed through Reverse Osmosis equipment. The clean crisp taste and success of the above named products is a testament to the purification technology used. Studies were done on a certain “boutique” brand of spring water from a far away idyllic island. When everything was taken into account, including the plastic bottle itself and all the transportation fuel usage involved, it was sobering to learn just how much oil it took to produce and deliver a single bottle of water! In a better world, the oil industry should have very little to do with our drinking water. Each one of us can do our part to affect positive change. A good filter system and your own personal reusable glass water bottle are economically sound and will help to make the world a better place now and for future generations.




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