The Town of Holliston MA has experienced a series of ongoing problems with its municipal water that will surely take the town considerable time to correct. You can take charge of what comes into your home and touches the lives of your family. We at ThinkPureWater of Framingham, MA can transform your Holliston water into sparkling clean, safe water for your home and family, in a matter of a few days.

Holliston municipal water is sourced from a series of shallow wells connected to aquifers which are extremely vulnerable to wide variety of man-made pollutants. Residents in certain parts of town have been subjected to water containing high levels of manganese, iron, coliform bacteria as well as the myriad of toxic chemicals formed as a result of water chlorination. All water systems contain varying amounts of dangerous industrial chemicals as well. Many of these are pollutants are not even regulated by the EPA or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts DEP.

Water quality in Holliston can vary according to your location. We have rapid turnaround water testing available. We can tailor a whole house water purification system to address your particular neighborhood based on the water itself, not just the Town Water Report.

Here is a recent whole house water purification we installed in Holliston. The smaller housing is a high flow pre-filtration unit. Usually this clear housing contains a sediment filter cartridge only. Recent innovations in water purification have resulted in combining effective sediment removal with activated carbon impregnation and a carbon core in one cartridge. This single cartridge can dechlorinate 100,000 gallons of water while also removing/reducing industrial chemicals, sediment and dirt. This level of pre-filtration protects the larger tank, which contains 60 lbs of activated carbon and produces astounding quality, spring-like water throughout your home.

We also install a wide variety of whole house and drinking water filter systems, water softeners, pH Neutralizer, iron & manganese removal and more. If you need a fast, reliable and local solution to your water problems, call us for a free in home consultation.

Call 508.272.6636 or email